Gedenkstättenfahrt nach Ravensbrück

Wir werden per Bahn reisen und sind in der Jugendherberge neben der Gedenkstätte untergebracht.
Bitte meldet Euch sehr zeitnah an, da wir nur wenige Plätze anbieten können. Dazu schickt uns einfach per E-mail oder Post den unterschrieben Anmeldezettel zu.
Als Antwort-Adresse bitte: nutzen.
Noch ein Wort zur Motivationsabfrage: wir möchten gerne wissen was dich an der Fahrt interessiert, um die Workshops zu gestalten. Außerdem möchten wir, das du dich ganz kurz mit dem Thema der Fahrt vertraut machst. Bitte nimm dir dafür ein wenig Zeit und antworte möglichst konkret, ein Satz genügt :-).
Wir freuen uns auf Euch und unsere gemeinsame Fahrt.
If you are interested in contemporary history and are between 13 and 20 years old, we would like to invite you to this year’s memorial tour. Under the motto “Youth needs remembrance”, we will travel to the memorial site of the former Ravensbrück concentration camp from 02.04-05.04.2024.We will pay particular attention to the living conditions of the prisoners. In addition, you will also learn a lot about the satellite camp in Königs Wusterhausen. (In 1944, women and children from Ravensbrück were brought to Königs Wusterhausen. The subcamp was located near the train station, where they were forced to do forced labor.)
We will travel by train and will be accommodated in the youth hostel next to the memorial.Please register as soon as possible, as we can only offer a few places. To do this, simply send us the signed registration form by e-mail or post.
Please use as an answer address.
A word about the motivation query: we would like to know what you are interested in about the trip in order to design the workshops. We also want you to familiarize yourself very briefly with the topic of the ride. Please take a little time for this and answer as much as possible.